Home care is the provision of equipment and services to the patient in the home for the purpose of restoring and maintaining his/her maximal level of comfort, function and health. Home care is a collaborative effort of patient, family and professionals. Home care is the fastest growing service industry in the United States, serving a great proportion of elderly persons.
44% of All patents discharged from the hospital by primary care physicians
require medical or nursing care that can not be provided by family .
5-10% of all patients in a medical practice office need home care service.
20% of patients over 65 have functional impairment with related home care needs
that often not diagnosed at regular office visits.
Improve the health and quality of life of the patient through comprehensive
primary medical care, nursing and rehabilitative services.
Reduce the need for hospitalization, nursing home and any other institutional placement.
Providing support for the informal caregiver
Reduces emergency department visits
Reduces hospital length of stay, and risk or readmission.
Reduces functional potential of patients on life-sustaining devices.